The Temple of Herod

Model of the Herodian temple complex
A wall more than 30 metres high, gilded walls, huge columns and hustle and bustle everywhere: Almost all visitors to Jerusalem at the turn of the century must have seen something like this for the first time, as they often lived in simple mud houses.
The Bible Museum shows a reconstruction of the Herodian temple complex according to the latest research. A specialist institute at the University of Los Angeles also produced a simulation film that impressively guides museum visitors through the ancient place of worship.
Religiously, nationally and economically important
Herod’s Temple in Jerusalem was the national and religious sanctuary of Israel at the time of the New Testament. Construction on the Temple Mount began under King Herod the Great around 20 BC. It was an impressive renovation of the Temple of Zerubbabel.
On this occasion, the building was extended accordingly. The temple forecourt was doubled in size. Magnificent columned halls were built. According to the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, the entire temple complex was one stadium long and one stadium wide. With its 143,800 square metres, it offered space for more than 10,000 pilgrims on the great Jewish feast days.
Not only pilgrims from rural areas were impressed by this building. The temple was also of great economic importance for Jerusalem. Every year, thousands of Jewish pilgrims came to the city to offer their sacrifices. These included Jews from all over the Roman Empire.
In the Jewish War of 70 AD, the Temple, which had been completed a few years earlier, was destroyed. Today, the Wailing Wall still stands to the west

Shofar and trombone. Life at the temple.