About us
The Bibelhaus Erlebnismuseum - BIMU for short - opened in 2003 in a former church near Frankfurt's Museumsufer. It shows the tradition, life and current meaning of the Bible with archaeological finds, thematic stagings and many interactive elements.
Culture, history and religion at your fingertips
With valuable loans from all over the world, the museum opens up a whole panorama of approaches to the “Book of Books”. Using archaeological finds, the BIMU illuminates the religious, historical and social backgrounds reflected in the biblical texts, from antiquity to the present day. It provides insights into book culture from the scroll to printing to the digital age - in the horizon of a culture of diversity in the past and present.
Offer for a wide range of visitors
We invite all people, regardless of their background and conviction, to approach a central work of our culture and to take a fresh look at it. In an increasingly secularised world, the BIMU represents a first encounter with the Bible and its themes for many visitors.
More than 23,000 people and around 1,100 groups visit BIMU every year. Our audience is made up of people from a wide variety of backgrounds, religions and denominations, and mother tongues. Many of our guests come at the invitation of an educational institution. Or they are individual visitors with an interest in history and archaeology who want to get to know one of the documents of our culture better.
Interreligious dialogue and competent educational work
With its conception, the BIMU also offers a great opportunity for interreligious dialogue between the three Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
We set high standards for our educational and mediation work. This forms the core of our work in order to meet the needs of all age groups from different social, cultural and religious backgrounds. This is especially true for visiting groups from educational institutions such as schools, churches and further education institutions. The professional, pedagogical, intercultural and religious competence and empathy of our team is a prerequisite for this.
Unique cooperation with Israel
Since 2010, the BIMU has been linked with the Israel Antiquities Authority in a cooperation that is unique in Europe. A significant part of the original finds that are on permanent loan to the BIMU come from there. The archaeological objects convey a vivid impression of biblical times up to 3000 years back in time.
The Israel Antiquities Authority was founded by the State of Israel in 1948 as the Department of Antiquities and Museums. It is located in the Rockefeller Museum in East Jerusalem. Among other things, it is responsible for excavations, collection, preservation and scientific study of finds. This provides important points of contact for the exhibition work.
From giving to experiencing
The BIMU is an institution run by the Frankfurter Bibelgesellschaft e.V. (Frankfurt Bible Society).
The Frankfurter Bibelgesellschaft is a non-profit association and looks back on a long tradition. As the oldest church association in the city of Frankfurt, it was co-founded in 1816 by the then senator and Bible translator Dr. Johann Friedrich von Meyer and set itself the task of promoting Bible reading. At that time, when hardly anyone could afford a book, this could only be achieved by giving away Bibles - first to poor servants on the Römer, later to schoolchildren and people in crisis situations.
But it could not and should not remain with the distribution alone. To communicate the contents of the Bible, to understand them, to open up new perspectives for people, to make the Bible a natural companion - that was the continuing goal of the Frankfurter Bibelgesellschaft.
Cosmopolitan and interdenominational
Today, the Frankfurt Bible Society is an established institution in the city and beyond. The Bibelhaus Erlebnismuseum is the Society’s major project. The work is characterised by a cosmopolitan and interdenominational perspective. Intercultural dialogue is an important component.
The Society receives substantial support from the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau and from the Department of Culture and Science of the City of Frankfurt am Main. But donations and membership of the society also provide substantial support for the museum.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kreuzer
Fundraising Akademie gGmbH Frankfurt
Stellvertreter des Präsidenten
OKR Pfarrer Sönke Krützfeld
Referat Schule und Religionsunterricht
Ev. Kirche in Hessen und Nassau
Stefan Majer
Mitglieder des Präsidiums
Uwe Becker
Hessischer Staatsekretär für Europaangelegenheiten
Prodekanin Dr. Stefanie Brauer-Noss
Evangelisches Stadtdekanat Frankfurt am Main
Pröpstin Henriette Crüwell
Propstei Rheinhessen und Nassauer Land
Ev. Kirche in Hessen und Nassau
Prof. Dr. Guido Pfeifer
Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Board of Directors
Pfarrer Veit Dinkelaker
Diplom-Ökonom Ulrich Schröder
kaufmännischer Vorstand
Scientific cooperations
The research work of the faculties and the Bible House’s lively network of international museum cooperation create exciting synergy effects.
The following faculties and institutes are cooperation partners
We thank our partners and sponsors.
Evangelische Kirche in Hessen und Nassau (EKHN)
Bankhaus Metzler
Evangelische Zukunftsstiftung Frankfurt
Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst
Bund Soforthilfe Neustart
Bund Neustart Kultur
Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien
Deutscher Verband für Archäologie (DVA)
Internationale Antikenverwaltung (IAA)
You would like to support us?
We appreciate your donation for the work of the Bibelhaus ErlebnisMuseum.