20 Jahre BIMU
20 years of the Bibelhaus ErlebnisMuseum - that's a reason to celebrate! For 20 years, we have been opening up unusual and exciting approaches to one of the most influential books in our culture to our visitors. So this milestone birthday is the perfect occasion to look at the Bible from a completely new angle together with some guests and well-wishers: Find out what contemporary thoughts and impulses we have discovered in the Bible!
But there is also a shadow over our anniversary: despite the museum's continued success, its future funding is by no means secure. We must therefore also use this festive occasion to inform you: That we need you to continue our work unhindered and how you can help!
We are certain that the BIMU is irreplaceable and will hopefully enable many more generations to have exciting (re)encounters with the "Book of Books". We are therefore looking to the future with optimism and a zest for action - and would like to thank all our supporters, to whom we owe a great deal over the past 20 years and who will hopefully make many more birthdays possible.
The Bible has many pages and we haven't shown them all yet!